Sunday, February 12, 2012

Subtle differences using ViewFields vs. Include with Client Object Model

I’ve been diving more and more into Client OM/JSOM, in order to get my roboCAML codeplex project up to snuff. Of course, I’m going to be hacking away at examples and trying to make sense of it all. The first thing I needed was to visualize the data I’m working with; muy importante para mi.  Hacking away in the console, I was able to find where all of the awesome data is hidden. So the stage is set...

Using a standard function, I’m successfully retrieving data from SharePoint.  So far, so good...  Here’s the code I’m using:

function queryList() {

var viewXml = roboCAML.Query({
listName: "Child",
closeCaml: "ClientOM",
//ViewFields: ["MultiSelectLookup", "MyDollars", "DateAndTime"],
config: [
filter: "&&",
op: "=",
staticName: "MultiSelectLookup",
value: 4,
lookupId: true
filter: "And",//I really like “&&”, but added this to show flexibility
op: "=",
staticName: "FSObjType",
value: 0
op: "IsNull",
staticName: "MyDollars"

$("#QueryOutput").val( viewXml );

try {
//Get the current client context
this.spContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();

//Create local vars.
var targetList = spContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle( listName ),
camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();

//Set CAML Query.
camlQuery.set_viewXml( viewXml );
//Cache listItems var for use later.
this.listItems = targetList.getItems( camlQuery );
//Load and execute queries.
spContext.load( listItems /*'Include(Author,MultiSelectLookup,MyDollars)'*/ );
spContext.executeQueryAsync(ReadListItemSucceeded, ReadListItemFailed);
catch( e ) {
console.log( e );

This works as expected.  Just for clarity my  query above looks like this:

<FieldRef Name='DateAndTime' />
<FieldRef Name='MyDollars' />
<FieldRef Name='MultiSelectLookup' />
<FieldRef Name='MultiSelectLookup' LookupId='True' />
<Value Type='LookupMulti'>4</Value>
<FieldRef Name='FSObjType' />
<Value Type='Lookup'>0</Value>
<FieldRef Name='MyDollars' />

When the executeQueryAsync is successful, it’ll call the ReadListItemSucceeded function. Pretty straightforward, nothing magical...  What is magical, is finding a method that will display all of the JSON that has been returned. I can’t find it... I did *fix* that though. In the ReadListItemSucceeded function, I have a simple for loop, that expands and logs all of these properties.  Here’s what that looks like:

function ReadListItemSucceeded(sender, args) {

for( var i=0; i<listItems.$2_1.length; i++ ) {
console.dir( listItems.$2_1[ i ].$4_0.$1F_0.$m_dict );

***Please note: console.dir() didn’t make it into Internet Explorer until v9***

This code will iterate through all of the JSON that is returned and display nicely in the console all of the data for each item.  Here’s an example of 1 item that was returned in my JSON.

DateAndTime : Wed Feb 22 09:00:00 EST 2012,
MyDollars : null,
MultiSelectLookup : [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
_ModerationStatus : 0,
_Level : 1,
ID : 24,
UniqueId : eeda73be-0e32-4d90-a461-2237ca2b1081,
owshiddenversion : 2,
FSObjType : "0",
Created : Mon Jan 30 15:23:58 EST 2012,
Modified : Sun Feb 12 14:01:49 EST 2012,
FileRef : "/URL/Lists/GrandChild/24_.000"

Notice all of the extra columns?  What’s up with that?  It’s not as verbose as the Web Services, but I didn’t ask for all of this data, you know?

What’s the fix for the hefty <ViewFields>?

Use Include(‘ColumnName’) within your .load() call.  If you look above at my code sample, it’s commented out.  I don’t know what exactly happens under the hood that makes the difference, but here’s a sample result from my console.dir() iteration.

Author : [object Object],
MultiSelectLookup : [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],
MyDollars : null

Now, I’m getting exactly what I want without any overhead data.  Because of this behavior, I’m very much thinking of adding another method to roboCAML, to make this easy to use.

And if you were wondering... Using <ViewFields> and Include together do not mix! You will promptly receive an error.


To get around this, my updated CAML looks like this:

<FieldRef Name='MultiSelectLookup' LookupId='True' />
<Value Type='LookupMulti'>4</Value>
<FieldRef Name='FSObjType' />
<Value Type='Lookup'>0</Value>
<FieldRef Name='MyDollars' />

ProTip: If you hate writing CAML, use roboCAML... It’s free and has attractive qualities to the opposite sex.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Understanding IncludeMandatoryColumns and SharePoint’s Web Services…

For a while now this has baffled me and several other people I know whom use SharePoint’s web services religiously.  The problem starts with incorrect documentation and since it has never been updated, new people to SharePoint continue to have issues with <IncludeMandatoryColumns>.  This post should give some clarity into what to expect when using this…


When setting this to option to: False; you’d expect a whole bunch of columns to not show up in the results of the XML.  That’s just, well: FALSE.  The only thing that changes in your data set is the Title column.  Nothing more, nothing less…  Here’s a sample data set that was retrieved using SPServices (which btw, you should use for all of your web service interactivities).
<!-- Mandatory Columns = False -->
<rs:data ItemCount="1">
   <z:row ows_MyDollars='567890.000000000' ows_Boolean='1' ows_MultiSelectLookup='' ows_ID='404' ows__ModerationStatus='0' ows__Level='1' ows_UniqueId='404;#{2541C25E-1D9A-4480-8F97-570B64077E37}' ows_owshiddenversion='3' ows_FSObjType='404;#0' ows_Created='2012-02-06 13:55:17' ows_PermMask='0x7fffffffffffffff' ows_Modified='2012-02-06 16:17:24' ows_FileRef='404;#mySite/Lists/GrandChild/TestFolder/TestSubFolder/MovedItem' />

Did you notice the owsHiddenVersion in the XML?  According to the documentation, it should not be there.  For posterity, here’s a screenshot of the parameters passed to SPServices. If you are keen, you’ll notice my <ViewFields> do not contain the Title column:



So being coy and after a few trial and errors, I decided that <IncludeMandatoryColumns> had to be related to the required fields within the list.  Since Title was the only required field, it seemed like a logical step.  Within this list, I have a column called Hyperlink.  I decided to make that required.  Notice in my <ViewFields>, Hyperlink is not present nor is Title for that matter.
<!-- Mandatory Columns w/ 2 columns required -->
<rs:data ItemCount="1">
   <z:row ows_MyDollars='567890.000000000' ows_Boolean='1' ows_MultiSelectLookup='' ows_ID='404' ows__ModerationStatus='0' ows__Level='1' ows_Title='InSubFolder' ows_UniqueId='404;#{2541C25E-1D9A-4480-8F97-570B64077E37}' ows_owshiddenversion='4' ows_FSObjType='404;#0' ows_Created='2012-02-06 13:55:17' ows_PermMask='0x7fffffffffffffff' ows_Modified='2012-02-07 20:12:48' ows_FileRef='404;#mySite/Lists/GrandChild/TestFolder/TestSubFolder/MovedItem' />


Is that ows_Title that I see?  Why yes, YES IT IS! As a matter of fact, it’s the only thing that’s different from the two sets of XML.

What have we learned?

<IncludeMandatoryColumns>True</IncludeMandatoryColumns> += Title. If Title is already in your <ViewFields>, then you’ll get nothing new. Yes, I know ID is in my <ViewFields> in the examples above.  Nothing changes except Title.

The documentation on MSDN is invaluable, however, it must be used with caution.  I’ve been running into a few whammies, gotchas, kablooey your code is busticated situations while building roboCAML.  The SP Namespace is another beast altogether, but that’s not what this post is about… yet.