Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Simple[r] jQuery Content Filter

A post titled: Simple jQuery Content Filter for Office 365 Public Website by Doug Hemminger came by my twitter stream that caught my eye.  A real quick win and all around goodness for everyone.  Reading through, I noticed some things I could tidy up.  So I asked him if he'd be okay if I re-factor the code that he blogged about and he said absolutely!


It's almost expected these days to be able to click the text next to a checkbox and have it just work.  Doug is using <span> for the text, so changing this to use <label> and wrap the <input> is a real quick win.

As I was writing this up, I also had another idea...  Why not have all of the filters show no matter how far down you scroll?  This is also a quick and easy win, so it's in there too.


I'm totally guilty of this, but I try to do my best every time.  I checked the source of the page where the code was added and found:
        $(document).ready(function () {
            function SPSToggleView() {
                if (!$("#SPSBusinessCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {

                if (!$("#SPSInformationWorkerCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {

                if (!$("#SPSCertificationCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {

                if (!$("#SPSBusinessIntelligenceCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {

                if (!$("#SPSDeveloperCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {
                if (!$("#SPSITProCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {
                if (!$("#SPSCloudCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {
                if (!$("#SPSSocialCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {
                if (!$("#SPSGeneralCheckbox").prop("checked")) {
                } else {
            $("#SPSInformationWorkerCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSBusinessCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSCertificationCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSBusinessIntelligenceCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSDeveloperCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSITProCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSCloudCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSSocialCheckbox").attr("checked", true);
            $("#SPSGeneralCheckbox").attr("checked", true);


Even though this is a simple solution, I knew it could be made simpler. :) I got it down to this:

$(document).ready(function () {
        var $wrapper = $("#wrapper");

        $wrapper.on("change", "input[data-filter]", function (event) {
            var $this = $(this),
                filter = $this.data("filter");

            $wrapper.find("div[data-filter='" + filter + "']").slideToggle();

The magic is done by hiding the value(s) we are going to hide/show directly onto the <input> as a `data-filter` attribute.  When the change event is fired, that value is surfaced.  Then a simple query of the DOM to find the correct <div>'s that this filter relates to.  The jQuery#slideToggle method knows whether or not the elements are hidden or displayed, so there's no need to check the state of the <input>.
